SMS notifications

SMS notifications

The Nationwide Health Care System is a communication platform allowing for the exchange of information between the patient and pharmacist.

The SMS Notification service allows sending health information to a mobile phone of the patient directly from the pharmacy program.

With credit points calculated to SMS messages the pharmacy can quickly order notifications to a selected group of recipients.

With the SMS messages the pharmacist can send health-related and pharmacy information to patients.


SMS messages may include:

SMS notification

- notifying about the possibility of collecting a prescription medicine,

- notifying about the availability of a needed medicine,

- information on the status of on-line order,

- information on new services,

- information on promotions, special offers.

Simplicity of the solution

The advantage of the SMS Notification service is its simplicity. Technical aspects and sending of notifications are handled by the OSOZ.

The service is activated in the Pharmacist's Service.

For more information on the service send a request to or call (32) 609 12 61.